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Sun Phoenix Co., Ltd.

Tokyo Headquarters

1F Eiko Bldg., 1-54 Kandajinbo-cho, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, Japan 101-0051


Kawasaki Office

Rooms No. 204 and 308, KCT Bldg., 92 Higashi-ohgishima, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Pref., Japan 210-0869


General Contact

Phone: 03-3291-3187
Fax: | 03-3293-5432

Yokohama Customs

Customs clearance license, Kawasaki, No. 1066
Bonded storage license, No. 103


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Customs Clearance Services

Customs Clearance Services

Experienced staff of San Phoenix's customs clearance team will support the used car export business of our customers.

We are also ready to handle import business and items other than used cars. Please feel free to contact the customs clearance team at our Kawasaki Office for details.

Specialist of export/import activities and logistics

Our experts in import and export business will quickly complete processes, such as customs clearance, tax payment procedure and various inspections on behalf of you. We deal with not only marine transport but also domestic land transport and air transportation, as well as general logistic activities such as receipt of goods for import or export, packing, cargo handling and lading.

Common examples of our services

They include: import and export agency, import of shipped back cargo, re-export and re-import, carnet customs clearance for cars, application for bonded transportation, warehouse cargo handling (container vanning, labeling, assortment, etc.), storage/packing, and marine insurance arrangements.

Feel free to ask for handling of cargo other than used cars.

Sun Phoenix has a high reputation in its skills for vanning cars into containers, and many of those cars are used ones. However, its know-how, techniques and facilities are not limited to used cars. Please feel free to ask for our services when you need to export other types of cargo.

Common types of cargo we handle

General vehicles, construction machinery and motorcycles

We handle orders not only from companies but also individuals.

We also accept orders from individuals or proprietors who wish to participate in the used car export business. We offer a package service that includes the costs for internal transport, marine transport, customs clearance and other related activities. Feel free to contact us for details.

Yokohama Customs

Customs clearance license
Kawasaki, No. 1066

Bonded storage license
No. 103


For orders or inquiries about our export/import services, please contact our customs clearance team at Kawasaki Office of Sun Phoenix Co., Ltd.

Customs clearance team, Kawasaki Office

Phone: 044-287-1075  Fax: 044-287-1074

Click here for inquiry through the contact form.